Industry Liaison

Handling of Intellectual Property (For external use only)

Joint inventions by Tokyo Tech researchers and corporate researchers

As a result of joint research, a "joint invention" may be produced for which the inventors are both Tokyo Tech researchers and corporate researchers.

Other than joint research, "joint inventions" may be produced from ideas that come to mind during talks between researchers, and utilization of confidential information learned in information exchanges connected with MTA and NDA agreements.

Types of intellectual property

implementation (1)
implementation (2)
Applicant (holder of rights) Tokyo Tech +
Tokyo Tech +
Tokyo Tech +
Corporation only
Application fee, etc.*1 Total amount born
by corporation
Total amount born
by corporation
Amount born for
share of rights
Owner of rights
implementation by the
Payment to Tokyo Tech for amount equivalent to implementation fee*3 No obligation to pay Payment to Tokyo Tech
for amount equivalent to
implementation fee*3
The transfer price is determined through discussions between the corporation and Tokyo Tech (Note: Not the inventor)
Licensing to third
Determined by the
Freely determined
by both parties
Freely determined
by both parties
License fee for
licensing to third parties
Allocated by share
of rights
Allocated by share
of rights
Allocated by share
of rights

Exclusive implementation

The consent of the corporation is required for the decision by Tokyo Tech as to the implementer.

Non-exclusive implementation (1) (2)

Tokyo Tech can decide on the implementer without the consent of the corporation.

Compensated transfer

Rights held by Tokyo Tech are transferred to the corporation for a fee.

Inventions only Tokyo Tech researchers invented in the course of joint research and commissioned research

Normally, only Tokyo Tech is the applicant (holder of rights); however, part of the rights may be transferred to the corporation and a joint application (exclusive implementation in the chart above) is filed.


発明から出願までの流れ フローチャート